发布时间:2020-01-14   访问次数:13742   作者:

  陈曦    副教授、博士生导师/硕士生导师

  Associate Professor Xi CHEN




教育背景 Education




工作经历 Work Experience

    博士后(2016-2017) 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)纳米研究所

    博士后(2017-2019) 美国哈佛大学Wyss研究所


教学课程 Undergraduate and Postgraduate Teaching




研究方向 Research Interests

    1. 基于细胞外基质生物学效应的中枢神经再生

    2. 基于纳米材料生物学效应的骨代谢调控

    3. 材料生物学研究新技术与新方法,如:器官芯片与类器官、超高分辨显微镜等

学生培养&招生专业 Student Recruitment


招收专业材料科学与工程 (直博、硕博连读)、材料科学与工程(学硕)、生物医学工程(学硕)、材料工程/材料与化工(专硕)

课题组每年招收1-2名博士生,3-4名硕士生,欢迎对生物材料感兴趣同学,将个人简历发至邮箱,包括所获奖励、报考分数、成绩单等。To prospective students, please contact chenxi@ecust.edu.cn for more information

书籍著作 Book chapter

  Xi Chen*. Nanobiomaterials: Classification, Fabrication and Biomedical Applications. Chapter 7. Layer-by-Layer Technique. Wiley 出版社. ISBN: 978-3-527-34067-5.

入职华理后发表的学术论文 Publications@Ecust

    15. Xi Chen, Yuan Yuan, Yeqiang Tan*, Changsheng Liu*. Strategic study on the development of inorganic non-metallic biomaterials. Journal of Inorganic Materials 2025, DOI: 10.15541/jim20250006

    14. Xi Chen*, Weihui Wu, Wei Zhu, Jiajing Zhou, Jingqu Chen, Zhixing Lin, Sixian Zhang, Frank Caruso*, Changsheng Liu*. Regulation of bone remodeling by metal–phenolic networks for the treatment of systemic osteoporosis. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2025, 17, 4, 5995

    13.  Ruijia Yan, Shu Chen, Bixue Wang, Changsheng Liu, Xi Chen*. Magnetic field-oriented conductive decellularized extracellular matrix hydrogel synergizes with electrical stimulation to promote spinal cord injury repair and electrophysiological function restoration. Biomaterials Advances 2025, 169, 214169

    12. Zhiqiang Tai, Jiashang Liu, Bixue Wang, Shu Chen, Changsheng Liu, Xi Chen*. The effect of aligned and random electrospun fibers derived from porcine decellularized ECM on mesenchymal stem cell-based treatments for spinal cord injury. Bioengineering 2024, 11, 772 

    11. Jiashang Liu, Ruijia Yan, Bixue Wang, Shu Chen, Hua Hong, Changsheng Liu, Xi ChenDecellularized extracellular matrix enriched with GDNF enhances neurogenesis and remyelination for improved motor recovery after spinal cord injury. Acta Biomaterialia  2024, 180, 308

    10. Ying WangFangru XieZirui HeLingbin CheXi Chen*Yuan Yuan*, Changsheng Liu*. Senescence targeted and NAD dependent SIRT1 activated nanoplatform to counteract stem cell senescence for promoting aged bone regeneration. Small 2024,20,2304433

    9. Zirui HeChuanhao SunYifan Ma, Xi Chen, Ying WangKai ChenFangru XieYan ZhangYuan Yuan*Changsheng Liu*Rejuvenating aged bone repair through multihierarchy reactive oxygen species-regulated hydrogel. Advanced Materials 2024, 36, 9

    8.Ying Wang, Lingbin Che, Xi Chen, Zirui He, Dianwen Song*, Yuan Yuan*, Changsheng Liu*. Repurpose dasatinib and quercetin: Targeting senescent cells ameliorates postmenopausal osteoporosis and rejuvenates bone regeneration. Bioactive Materials 2023,25,13

    7.Shuaimin Tang, Dongyong Sha, Zirui He, Xi Chen, Yifan Ma*, Changsheng Liu*, Yuan Yuan*. Environmentally adaptable organo–ionic gel-based electrodes for real-time on-skin electrocardiography monitoring. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2023,12, 2300475

    6.Xuewei Zhang, Bixue Wang, Hua Hong, Ying Wang, Jiashang Liu, Changsheng Liu*, Xi Chen*. Decellularized extracellular matrix and mesenchymal stem cells promote recovery in traumatic brain injury by synergistically enhancing neurogenesis and attenuating neuroinflammation. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2023, 138, 17

    5.Xiaolong Zhan#, Zhengbo Wen#, Xi Chen*, Qi Lei, Yuxin Chen, Liang Zhou, Guansheng Zheng, Fanhui Kong, Jimin Guo, Yuyou Duan, Yuyan Lai, Panchao Yin, C. Jeffrey Brinker, Honglin Chen*; Wei Zhu*. Polyphenol-mediated biomimetic mineralization of sacrificial metal-organic framework nanoparticles for wound healing. Cell Reports Physical Science 2022, 3, 101103

    4.Xi Chen, Shuyan Han, Weihui Wu, Zihan Wu, Yuan Yuan*, Jun Wu*, Changsheng Liu. Harnessing 4D printing bioscaffolds for advanced orthopedics. Small 2022, 18, 2106824

    3.Xuewei Zhang, Xi Chen*, Hua Hong, Rubei Hu, Jiashang Liu, ChangshengLiu*. Decellularized extracellular matrix scaffolds: recent trends and emerging strategies in tissue engineering. Bioactive Materials 2022, 10,15 

    2.Xi Chen*, Yu Wang, Xuewei Zhang,and Changsheng Liu*. Advances in super-resolution fluorescence microscopy for the study of nano–cell interactions. Biomaterials Science 2021, 9, 5484

    1.Xi Chen*, Yu Shrike Zhang, Xinping Zhang, Changsheng Liu*. Organ-on-a-chip platforms for accelerating the evaluation of nanomedicine. Bioactive Materials 2021, 6,1012

基金与项目 Funding in Ecust2020年入职后,主持科研经费共计200余万

    5. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目,基于纳米材料生物学效应的老年性骨质疏松调控机制研究,2024.01-2027.12,主持

    4. 国家重点研发计划项目,口腔口咽瘘管快速修复有机无机杂化凝胶材料,2022.11-2025.10,子课题负责人

    3. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,脱细胞基质促进干细胞源性神经元修复脊髓损伤的机制研究,2022.01-2022.12,主持

    2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,用于治疗骨质疏松纳米囊泡的构建,2022.01-2024.12,主持

    1. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,脱细胞脑组织支架的构建及其联合间充质干细胞在创伤性脑损伤修复中的应用,2021.01-2021.12,主持