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Structure-Variant Exciton Transfer and Spatial Confinement in Statistical Copolymers and Blends Based on Polybenzazoles. 刘子涛,王山峰,庄启昕,李欣欣,李福友,吴平平,韩哲文 Chemistry of Materials (2007), 19(5), 1164-1169 |
热处理对PBO纤维分子链结构和性能的影响,承建军,张敏,刘子涛,陈晓军,庄启昕,李欣欣,韩哲文, 固体火箭技术,2007年8月,30(4),353-357 |
PBO溶液的剪切流变性能, 陈晓军,周承俊,钱军,李欣欣,韩哲文,范新年,严家策, 固体火箭技术,2007年9月,Vol30,28-30 |
Preparation and properties of super-hydrophobic surface by fluorinated copolymers,魏海洋,贺文潇,李欣欣,韩哲文, Journal of Fudan University,2007年10月,46(5),800-802 |
甲基丙烯酸氟烷基酯常规及核壳乳液聚合的研究,粟小理,李慧,李欣欣,韩哲文,304am永利集团官网学报,2007,33(4):496-501 |
Preparation and Surface Properties of Fluorine-Containing Diblock Copolymers PLMA-Block-PFAEA, 房冰,赵正国,李欣欣,吴平平,韩哲文, Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A:Pure and Applied Chemistry,2007年12月,44,1235-1243 |
用含氟丙烯酸酯无规共聚物制备超疏水膜, 魏海洋,王康,粟晓理,李欣欣,韩哲文,高分子学报,2008,1,69-75, |
Study of a New Titanium Dual Initiator for the Synthesis of Poly(e-caprolactone)- b-Polystyrene Block Copolymers by the Combination of Coordination and Nitroxide Mediated Polymerizations, Xinxin Li , Thomas Jeanmaire, Amar Zerroukhi,Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 107, 3491–3498 (2008) |
Shear flow behaviors of poly(p-phenylene benzobisoxazole) spinning dope. 陈晓军,刘小云,钱军,庄启昕,李欣欣,韩哲文. Journal of Applied Polymer Science (2008), 110(3), 1899-1904. |
PBO-b-ABPBO多嵌段共聚物的制备及其性能,田雪 周承俊 陈晓军 钱军 李欣欣 韩哲文,功能高分子学报,2008年 21卷 2期,147-151 |
含氟丙烯酸酯共聚物制备超疏水表面及其形成机理的研究,魏海洋 李欣欣 王康 贺文潇 韩哲文,化学学报,2008年 66卷 12期:1470-1476 |
Stereocontrol during photo-initiated controlled/living radical polymerization of acrylamide in the presence of Lewis acids. 粟小理,赵正国,李慧,李欣欣,吴平平,韩哲文. European Polymer Journal (2008), 44(6), 1849-1856 |
Higher water repellency caused by a reduced employment of low surface energy structures. 房冰,魏海洋,王康,李欣欣,吴平平,韩哲文. Chemistry Letters (2008), 37(4), 464-465 |
Preparation of poly(acrylamide) with configurational sequences by photo living polymerization. 房冰,赵正国,李欣欣,吴平平,韩哲文. Chemistry Letters (2008), 37(4), 456-457. |
热处理对超疏水性含氟丙烯酸酯共聚物膜表面性能的影响,魏海洋,贺文潇,李欣欣,粟小理,韩哲文,高等学校化学学报,2009,4,821-824. |
聚亚苯基苯并二恶唑在双螺杆挤出机中的后聚合反应动力学研究,陈晓军,邱汉亮,李欣欣,钱军,韩哲文,304am永利集团官网学报,2009,4, |
聚醚多元醇对环氧树脂的增韧改性,刘诗飞,王永三,朱麟勇,李欣欣,功能高分子学报,2010,23(2),2,144—148 |
纳米TiO2涂覆法改善PBO纤维/环氧树脂界面剪切强度,樊黎虹,钱军,刘小云,李欣欣,韩哲文,固体火箭技术,2010,33(4),472-476 |
Cross-Linked PEG via Degradable Phosphate Ester Bond: Synthesis,Water-Swelling, and Application as Drug Carrier, Zhaoxing Liu, Lei Wang, Chunyan Bao, Xinxin Li, Lei Cao, Kerong Dai, and Linyong Zhu,Biomacromolecules, 2011,12,2389-2395 |
| 新型耐腐蚀含氟环氧乙烯基树脂的合成与性能,仇伟,潘沛颐,李晓艳,李欣欣,韩哲文,功能高分子学报,2011,3,256-261 |